Gemma Handy

About Gemma

Gemma Handy is a free­lance British-​trained pho­to­jour­nal­ist, broad­caster and author. She has lived and worked in the Caribbean since 2006 and writes news and fea­tures from around the region. Her work has been pub­lished by many of the world’s lead­ing media agen­cies, includ­ing BBC, AFP, Guardian, Tele­graph, and Independent.


After com­plet­ing her post-​graduate National Coun­cil for the Train­ing of Jour­nal­ists (NCTJ) qual­i­fi­ca­tion, she worked in the head office of the Express & Star, then Britain’s largest sell­ing evening news­pa­per, for three years.

Gemma has since worked across mul­ti­ple media plat­forms over a diverse 20-​year career, includ­ing print, tele­vi­sion, radio, web, social media and mag­a­zines. In 2017, she co-​published the book ‘Explore Antigua and Bar­buda’ which offers a syn­op­sis of life through the ages in the twin island East­ern Caribbean nation.

From her Antigua base, Gemma seeks to offer in-​depth analy­sis and cov­er­age of the Caribbean, an under-​reported part of the world plagued by two-​dimensional depictions.

She trav­els exten­sively across the globe and has a par­tic­u­lar pas­sion for human inter­est arti­cles and those which seek to shine a light on social, envi­ron­men­tal and cul­tural plights and triumphs.

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